CNLL Baseball Cap

Fall Ball

Spring season starts the little league year and as such Chandler National follows the same little league age chart as it did in the prior spring season to determine players league age for fall ball.  Our sponsors are so important to us, the sponsorships that we received in the spring season help us to operate the fall season as well. The biggest difference between spring and fall is in the spring there are two leagues (North and South) under one name; Chandler National. The leagues are divided by zip codes to determine boundaries. In the fall we generally have lower numbers than our spring season and therefore, we are one league. This can be confusing in spring when we separate players into north south boundaries for teams. Especially in the younger divisions where player requests may not be accommodated because of boundaries. Also, only in the fall season do we have those in Chandler American Little League boundaries participate in our league as (CALL) does not offer a fall little league season. The player agent does try to keep players in A and Rookie divisions by school and zip code boundaries the minor and major divisions are drafted. Since players are drafted the manager chooses practice location and times which may not be conveniently located for all team members. All games are played at Snedigar sports complex from Rookie to Majors teams and Nozomi for Junior’s teams.  

Due to lower player participation in the fall we will have a minor and a major division. The minor division may be league age 8-10 and the major division is league age 11-12. Those that are league age 8 may attend evaluations to be draftable to the minor division. If a player is league age 8 and does not attend evaluations, then they will be placed in the A division which is coach pitch. Attending evaluations does not guarantee a spot in minor’s for league age 8 player, they must be drafted by manager. Fall ball we strive to develop fundamental baseball skills while still being competitive. There is an end of season tournament for A division and above. The fall season starts the Tuesday after Labor Day and the season is completed by Nov. 16. Every player is issued a baseball hat, and jersey. Players will need baseball pants, belt, socks, cleats, glove, helmet and bat. The manager will decide pant color and socks. We do ask for first time participants to upload a copy of their players birth certificate for verification.  

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Registration Information


Thank you for your interest in participating in Chandler National Little League. CNLL is a charter member of Little League International, the largest volunteer organization in the world. There are no paid positions in the league. Our Board of Directors, managers, coaches and team moms volunteer countless hours to give our players and families the best youth baseball experience possible.


  • One or both parents/guardians
  • Child’s original or State Certified Birth Certificate*
  • Current Proof of Residency**
  • Forms of Payment: Cash, Check or Credit/Debit Card (Payment due at time of registration.)***

Please note: Proof of Residency & Birth Certificate are REQUIRED for ALL players in order to register.
*CA Birth Abstract not acceptable as proof.
**Proofs of Residency must include the CORRECT zip code.
*** Registration is non-refundable


CNLL Important Dates PDF

The CNLL Registration Important dates image contains all relevant information including important dates, meeting places, requirements and deadlines. Download the larger format (PDF) to view the details.

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2025 Little League Changes


Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League®Baseball and Softball program (League Age 5-7) will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.

As part of this strategic change, which is detailed in Little League’s Regulation II as found in the Little League Rulebook App, players League Age 8-16 as of the 2025 season (born on or before September 1, 2017, for Baseball or January 1, 2017, for Softball) will continue to utilize the current boundary requirement based on residency or school enrollment.

Opportunities and waivers will continue to be available as an option for players should they be interested in switching leagues that are outside of these requirements, based on approval and potential stipulations from the Little League International Charter Committee.

For more information about League Age eligibility and League boundaries, please visit


Chandler National Little League is a charter member of Little League International, the largest volunteer organization...


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