Juniors Division


CNLL’s Juniors Division consists of 13 & 14 year old kids. This division is a function of Little League, but at the next level. Players are introduced to and play on full size diamonds. Bases are 90’ distance apart and the pitching mound is 60’ from home plate. Rules also change as lead-offs, steals and pitcher balks come into play. Mandatory play is enforced. There is a post-season tournament at the end of the season. An All Star Tournament team is chosen at the end of the season and participate in District, State, Regional and World Series play.





Jason Howe


Jake Massa


Clayton Brady

Juniors Sponsors

Garcia & Gonzalez Lawfirm • Seam Shift Media

Contact us

Registration Information


Thank you for your interest in participating in Chandler National Little League. CNLL is a charter member of Little League International, the largest volunteer organization in the world. There are no paid positions in the league. Our Board of Directors, managers, coaches and team moms volunteer countless hours to give our players and families the best youth baseball experience possible.


  • One or both parents/guardians
  • Child’s original or State Certified Birth Certificate*
  • Current Proof of Residency**
  • Forms of Payment: Cash, Check or Credit/Debit Card (Payment due at time of registration.)***

Please note: Proof of Residency & Birth Certificate are REQUIRED for ALL players in order to register.
*CA Birth Abstract not acceptable as proof.
**Proofs of Residency must include the CORRECT zip code.
*** Registration is non-refundable


CNLL Important Dates PDF

The CNLL Registration Important dates image contains all relevant information including important dates, meeting places, requirements and deadlines. Download the larger format (PDF) to view the details.

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