Challenger Division


The Little League Challenger Division® was founded in 1989, and is Little League’s adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges.

Any individual with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. If an individual can participate in the traditional Little League Baseball or Softball program with reasonable accommodations they should do so. The Little League Challenger Division accommodates players ages 4 to 18; or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school. The Senior League Challenger Division accommodates players ages 15 and above (no maximum age).

Ultimately, CNLL’s goal is to offer every child the opportunity to participate in the sport of baseball regardless of ability and limitations. During the spring season, many of the Major’s Division play against the various Challenger’s teams to allow these players the greatest playing experience they can have. During the fall season, many of the local high school baseball teams come out to give our Challenger’s teams the joys of playing this great game! 

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Registration Information


Thank you for your interest in participating in Chandler National Little League. CNLL is a charter member of Little League International, the largest volunteer organization in the world. There are no paid positions in the league. Our Board of Directors, managers, coaches and team moms volunteer countless hours to give our players and families the best youth baseball experience possible.


  • One or both parents/guardians
  • Child’s original or State Certified Birth Certificate*
  • Current Proof of Residency**
  • Forms of Payment: Cash, Check or Credit/Debit Card (Payment due at time of registration.)***

Please note: Proof of Residency & Birth Certificate are REQUIRED for ALL players in order to register.
*CA Birth Abstract not acceptable as proof.
**Proofs of Residency must include the CORRECT zip code.
*** Registration is non-refundable


CNLL Important Dates PDF

The CNLL Registration Important dates image contains all relevant information including important dates, meeting places, requirements and deadlines. Download the larger format (PDF) to view the details.

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